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Your satisfaction is our #1 priority. Please feel free to get in touch with us. through any of the methods below. Our hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm EST but our AI Chat Support and Help Center are open 24 hours a day.
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Help Center
Go to the Help CenterBrowse the Solariver Help Center for frequently asked questions, quick start guides, maintenance and troubleshooting videos, along with general information about our company and products.
Talk with SunnyChat with Sunny, our AI assistant. This is the quickest way to get answers to your questions when you are exploring Solariver™ products or need help with troubleshooting.
Ticket Inquiry
Submit a TicketFor help with new or existing orders, cancellations or complex projects we recommend submitting a ticket for faster service.
FAQ Shortcuts
How do I know which solar water pump is right for my project?
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My pump stopped working, what do I do?
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Do you offer a battery with your solar water pump kits?
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Shop Solariver™ Solar Powered Pumps and Accessories
Batteries & Battery Compatible Kits
New Solariver ™ Models 235GPH & 470GPH: If you are purchasing a...